Thursday, September 5, 2013

Summer Parties

Last summer I told the boys that they could have summer parties with their friends, but it never happened.  This year we pulled it off.  In between family vacation and back to school each of the boys had a party with their friends.  We played games, had a treat and played water games outside.  (Cherilyn and Allison had many fun activities over the summer with their friends and often had them at our house.  Erica had a late night with her best friend and counted that as her summer party.)

 Eli's party was first.  Here is Eli getting through the laser challenge.

Getting ready to pop balloons with tootsie rolls in them.  Joshua, Britton, Eli, Tyler, Hunter P., Braedon, Ethan, Hunter H.

Ethan also did the laser challenge.

Ethan and his friends didn't just pop the balloons.  They tied the balloons to their ankles and then tried to stomp on another person's balloon.
Ethan and Eli and their friends also threw paper balls at a spider web made of painter's tape and played water games in the back.

Duck, Duck, Goose was the essential part of Joshua's party.  He had been wanting to play all summer.  He and his friends also popped balloons with tootsie rolls -- some sat on them and others needed help from a pin or scissors.  Then they went outside to play water games and slip n' slide.

1 comment:

Roxanne said...

That laser challenge is a really fun idea!