Thursday, September 5, 2013

Eli's 8th Birthday

Eli's birthday was the day after we returned home from Oregon.  

 After church he opened presents -- a scout shirt and book, a scripture case, a glow-in-the-dark puzzle 
a new bike.  
That is what he had been asking for since his bike had become too small.  

On August 3rd Eli was baptized.  Both grandmas were there and gave the talks.  Grandma B talked about baptism being like a white shirt.  We spill and get spots on white shirts (just like we make mistakes in life), but when we try hard we can get the spots out and have a clean white shirt again.  We liked the connection to a white shirt.  It is an oft-seen reminder that we can be clean again through repentance. 

What a great boy. Sometimes with just his laugh he can get everyone laughing. He also likes to make noise.  If someone is screaming just for fun it is Eli.  He likes to ride bikes and scooters, play video games and trade and play with Pokemon cards.  

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