Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Summer

Cherilyn and Allison started out their summer at ward girl's camp. They enjoyed getting to know everyone better and all the fun activities. They went on an exciting river rafting trip where they stayed safely in the raft. Two weeks after girl's camp was ward youth conference. The highlight of that was rockclimbing and rappelling. Cherilyn wowed everyone by doing both. She loved it and looks forward to going again. Allison also went rockclimbing, but didn't rappel.

Again this summer, Ethan played T-ball and Eli played kickball. They are both improved and enjoyed playing. They are excited to move up next year to coach pitch and T-ball.

The weekend of the fourth of July all the kids but Joshua went to Grandkid Camp. Charles and I took them to Gartin Caber where we had smores and Charles lit our fireworks. The next day Grandpa and Gradma B drove them to Mesquite along with Emma and Matthew (the only Buchanan cousins old enough to attend Grandkid Camp). For two days they decorated visors, made ribbon weave pillows, swam and generally had fun. Grandma B drove them back home and now they are looking forward to next year's camp. (And Teen Camp for Cherilyn and Allison because they spend much of Grandkid Camp helping with the younger kids.)
While they were gone Charles, Joshua and I drove through Santaquin canyon to the Nebo loop and had a slip and slide. One day Joshua spent at Grandpa and Grandma Elder's house while Charles and I went golfing. I also made an apron. It didn't turn out as cute as I thought it would, but I made it in a day and a half and it works great.

We only did a few outings this summer. We played lots of games, read books, went to the library, watched movies and played with friends. We saw Toy Story 3 in the theater. We also went to Payson Lakes one day to swim and had our picnic lunch by the creek. One summer day Charles went and bought water guns and we all went out and got wet. We also got out the slip and slide and wore it out. Allison made a scavenger hunt for the younger kids (a suggestion from The Friend). She wrote cute clues and Ethan, Erica and Eli had a great time reading them and finding them.

Next summer we are planning on taking a trip to Seattle. We are all looking forward to that!

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