Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Back to school already!

Cherilyn is in ninth grade (The first year of high school, but she still goes to the junior high.) She was planning on taking Perfect Harmony (choir) and orchestra along with seminary and some required classes. The music teachers scheduled Perfect Harmony and Advanced Orchestra at the same time so she decided to take Perfect Harmony and continue with violin lessons. She enjoys school and is glad that it isn't too hard yet. Her favorite class is seminary.
Allison is in seventh grade and now attends the junior high with Cherilyn. She likes it and is only disappointed that one of her best friends, Taylor, has no classes with her. She is taking band, where she plays the flute and art.

Erica is in Mr. Griffith's fourth grade class. Allison also had Mr. Griffith. Erica likes her class, but was not happy that her two good friends are in other classes. She gets to see Kinnely and Abby at lunch and recess. Erica got forearm crutches this summer. She likes them much better than her walker. The crutches are generally easier to use and get around with.

Ethan is in first grade. Miss Dooley is his teacher. His favorite part of all-day school is lunch. He has tried many school lunches and likes bringing home lunches, especially when we have cookies to go in them. Ethan is very interested in sea creatures right now and learns all he can about them and other animals.

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