Saturday, November 7, 2015

Halloween Costumes

With Halloween on a Saturday this year, the school parade and parties were on Friday.  That was also the night of our ward Halloween dance party, so the boys were dressed up nearly all day.  Allison and Erica decided not to dress up, though Erica had prepared a costume: Sadness, from the movie Inside Out.  Cherilyn dressed up in her gypsy costume.  She went to Salt Lake to help with a trunk or treat for kids who don't have a safe neighborhood to trick-or-treat in.  She had a great time with two of her roommates doing that.  She also wore her costume on Halloween; she likes it.  The boys donned their costumes again on Halloween night to go trick-or-treating with neighborhood friends.  The boys loved all the candy they got.

Joshua was a navy seal.  He couldn't bring the weapons to school, though they were (of course) his favorite part of the costume.

Here is Joshua with the mask (and matching coat) before going to the Halloween party.

Eli was a paintball zombie.  This is a "morph" suit.  It covers hands, feet and head.  He mostly kept the mask down, off his face.  This was due to the rule against wearing masks at school and the mask made it difficult to see.  He lifted the mask occassionally at recess, during the parade, or when he wanted to scare someone.

Ethan was a mad scientist. Many thought he was Doc from the movie Back to the Future.  Behind him is Super Jake, our dog.  :)

This picture is a little blurry, but I love his smile.  
He (and Charles) made the googles and bought and styled the wig.

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