Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Ethan's Birthday

Ethan turned eleven!  He is now an 11-year old scout, with his first campout this weekend.  He is excited.  He recently started student council at school.  The student council went to BYU for a leadership conference.  He really enjoyed hearing the great speakers, eating pizza and soda, and missing a day of school.

This gift was a book, Origami Yoda.  Reading is still one of his favorite pastimes.

Here is a new mummy sleeping bag.  Perfect for the upcoming scout trip (and the many more in his future as a scout).  Eli has Perplexus, a maze in a ball, another gift for Ethan.  He also got Bop it Tetris and a boy scout shirt.

Excitement from all the boys.

Yes, he got a BB gun for his birthday.
We have enjoyed learning to shoot and everyone enjoys the pop I bought so we have pop cans to shoot.

Ethan in his student council shirt.

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