Monday, June 13, 2011

Summer Activities

Even before school got out we got started on our summer plans.

Ethan started baseball (coach pitch) and loves playing for the Athletics. He was disappointed that his two first games were rained out. We have had a wet, cool spring.

Eli started T-ball a few weeks later.

Joshua decided to be potty-trained. Yes, he is a very independent boy and he made the decision. He came to me one day a few weeks ago and said "I'm about to pee." I asked if he wanted to go on the toilet. He said yes and he did it. He was rewarded with candy. We have only had a few minor clean-ups. When Joshua decides what he wants, he sticks to it, especially if he gets candy.

The girls were all very glad for school to be out. They have set some goals for the summer. Cherilyn earned a 4.0 through the whole year, which was her goal at the beginning of the school year.

We started our garden in early May after the last frost. Some things have started growing (onions, strawberries and raspberries), others are slower and some we have replanted. I read Square Foot Gardening in early spring and was inspired to put more effort into the garden this year. I hope our work turns out productive.

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