Friday, June 4, 2010

School's Out!!
Everyone is excited to be out of school for the summer. We like the relaxed schedule.

Cherilyn finished eighth grade. She enjoyed her orchestra and choir concerts at the end of the year. So much that we changed her ninth grade schedule so she can have orchestra, choir and seminary. She will have to take two required classes later. She received an award for turning in every orchestra practice chart and one for having a GPA over 3.75.

Allison graduated from sixth grade and will be at the junior high next year. She recieved an award for exercising at least 20 minutes 20 days a month. She did Wii Fit or the treadmill for her exercise. She just got her flute (for band next year) and was eager to learn so she has started flute lessons. She practices the flute and piano each day.

Erica finished 3rd grade. She typed up her Things to Do list the first day off. That way when she doesn't know what to do she can check her list for ideas. She wants to go camping this summer and go to Grandma's house.

Ethan graduated from kindergarten. He did a program on the last day of school, singing songs and he even had a speaking part. Here is Ethan in a cap and gown holding his graduation certificate.

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