Sunday, July 12, 2009

We had the Buchanan family reunion the weekend of the 4th of July. We went to parades, the park, golfing (for the men) and shopping (for the women and Cherilyn and Allison). We also had a talent show again. Cherilyn, Allison, Ethan and I played the piano. Charles also played the piano, but his official talent was demonstrating the rubix cube in four minutes. Erica sang I Like to Eat Apples and Bananas. Eli did a running somersault. Joshua knocked over stacks of blocks.
This is the grandkid craft that Grandma B helped the kids with. They each made their own quilt board (except the Fab 4).

On Monday we hiked up to first falls in Provo Canyon with Mark and Ben and their families. This is Emma, Mark and Sarah's daughter, Eli and Ethan.

Ben, Stacy, Matthew, Allison, Sarah, Mark and William looking back down the hike.

Erica, Charles and Cherilyn sitting by first falls.
It was a very good reunion.

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