Sunday, November 16, 2008

Elder Family November 2008


Sam, Erin and Family said...

I've always loved that view of the mountains from Marianne's backyard. Ha ha!

Shaillé said...

Hola familia! Great family picture - your kids are getting so big! Grandma gave me your blog address, hope you don't mind. ;) Welcome to the blogging world. Here's our blog if you want it:

There's some lengthy posts on there about Prop 8 in California, but after those you can see updates on our family. ;) Oh, and thanks Charles for the link to that article from the Church (The Divine Institution of Marriage). It was very helpful in this discussion I've been having with an anonymous person about Prop 8.

Oh and could you give me Sam and Erin's blog address - Gma gave it to me but the address didn't work. Is theirs a private blog?