School seemed to start early this year. We all would have liked more summer, but they all went to school on August 19th, except Cherilyn. We are into our third week and they are all doing well. There have been some complaints about not enough time to play, but generally they like school.
Cherilyn was home until August 26th when she moved into her apartment. She continued to work full-time at the Hinckley Alumni building until she started school on August 31st. She is majoring in pre-nursing, taking the prerequisites this year. She will apply to the nursing program at the end of this year. She continues to work part-time. She enjoys her singles ward and her roommates (Two were her roommates last year, but she likes all five of them.). She is cooking for herself this year (Last year was cafeteria food.) and that has worked out fine so far. Her roommates rotate days to cook dinner so that helps.
Allison is a senior at Payson High School this year. She has a heavy load with AP Calculus, AP Pyschology, AP US History, College Writing, 2 drafting classes, Social Dance and two choir classes. She also attends early morning seminary every other day and is on seminary and choir councils and in a service organization (National Honor Society). In addition, she is a shift leader at the Red Barn and works 4-5 days a week there. Add 4 piano students to that and you have one busy girl. She is handling it all well for now.
Erica is in ninth grade this year. She started seminary and loves that. She is doing her other classes at home again, mostly BYU Independent Study courses. Other than Math and English she is taking Anatomy, Spanish, Keyboarding, and Becoming a Google Ninja. (We don't know much about the Ninja class, but she chose it for her tech class.)
Ethan is in sixth grade, the last year at elementary school in this area. His teacher is Mrs. Greer. Ethan was happy his best friend is in his class.
Eli has Mrs. Dickie for his fourth grade teacher. He has several friends in class and is enjoying spending time with them.
Joshua is in second grade with Ms. Camper as his teacher. He also knows many kids in his class and has gotten to know some better.