July 5th (4:30 am) we left for Seattle. We had been planning to go to Seattle since January. Sam and family were able to caravan with us. We all stayed at Ralph's house in beautiful West Seattle. One of our favorite activities (Charles and I) was walking around West Seattle. We have many memories of the area and we admired the big trees and unique homes. We decided to get a City Pass while there so we took advantage and saw many popular Seattle sites. We also spent time at the beach and hanging out at Ralph and Catha's. They were very hospitable hosts. Between Cherilyn, Allison, Charles and I, we have over 1000 pictures of Seattle. Here is a sampling.
Day 1: Seattle Aquarium -- Cool wall size aquarium when you enter. Seals and otters who seemed to perform for the visitors.
Ivar's -- fed the seaqulls, ate Clam Chowder and fried food.
Harbor Cruise -- This was part of the City Pass that we wouldn't have done otherwise. We all enjoyed it and learned things about Seattle that we didn't know before.
Seattle skyline behind while on the cruise. Seattle had beautiful weather while we were there. It was sunny and clear until the day before we left.
Day 2: We went to Woodland Park Zoo with Sam's family, Ben's family and Zach. The hippos were one of the favorites because they were moving around. We also liked the lions and bears. Cherilyn took pictures of nearly every animal.
This picture shows most of the kids that were there and Ben and Stacy.
Day 3: Attended sacrament meeting at Seattle 2nd Ward. Visited with people we knew.
The cousins, minus Luke, on the back porch.
Day 4: Ethan was eager to go to the Science Center because he wants to be a scientist. One of the favorite areas there was testing strength, hand-eye coordination, and flexibility. Erica had one of the longest reaches. We also watched a demonstration on electricity, played strategy games, went to the butterfly house and watched an Imax movie about mummies.
Allison, Ty, Joshua, Connor and Ben in the butterfly room.
Eli trying to lift the weight behind him.
Ethan and Spenser outside the Science Center shooting big water guns.
After the Science Center we went to the Space Needle. There were cool views, but other than Cherilyn and Allison they were ready to go quickly. It had been a long day and a couple people didn't like the height.
Cherilyn's cool pictures of the Science Center arches and the Space Needle. The top of the Space Needle was painted Galactic Gold for its 50th anniversary.
Day 5: Trip to Ocean Shores. We love the long, wide beach there. It was cold so we wore jackets or wrapped in towels while eating lunch. Everyone still enjoyed playing in the ocean.
After getting wet we all moved back on the sand where it was warmer.
Eli's typical face when asked to smile for a picture. Joshua is often found with a water bottle.
Allison (and Ty) laid down in the water. "It was freezing cold, but it was fun. I had sand in my mouth." said Allison.
Allison, Cherilyn, Spenser, Katelyn and Connor went back to the Space Needle for the night view.
Day 6: Went to Lincoln Park and Hiawatha. Unfortunately the wading pool was closed both times we went to Hiawatha.
Ethan jumping from rock to rock at Hiawatha.
Throwing rocks at Lincoln Park -- trying to hit a stick in the water or the rock thrown before.
Day 7: Spenser's baseball game in Bellevue. Alki Beach for volleyball, frisbees and playing in the water and sand. Back to Ralph's for ping-pong, bike riding and dinner.
Day 8: Charles, Monica, Sam and Erin went golfing. We went to the driving range during the morning storm (lightning and golf clubs not a good mix) then went 9 holes. That evening our family went to Ben and Stacy's for an amazing dinner and nice visit.
Cherilyn, Allison, Noelle, Lucie, Joshua, Eli and Ethan.
We also played kickball in the backyard. We loved their big trees.
Connor, Allison, Spenser, Cherilyn, Katelyn and Zach went on the new Seattle Ferris wheel on the pier the last night we were there.
Day 9: 4:30am left Seattle. The kids did not want to leave (even if it had been a more reasonable hour). It was a good vacation.