Summer Birthdays
Joshua turned 4!
We have no pictures from Joshua's birthday, only videos that won't upload. Joshua loves to play outside, ride bikes, play with his brothers and watch shows (especially Team Umizoomi). He likes to write his name and color with a highligher.
Cherilyn turned 16!
Yes, she can drive and has been on her first date. Cherilyn is a very careful driver always coming to a complete stop and driving the speed limit (to the annoyance of some of her passengers, especially Allison). She was invited to Homecoming. She was asked by picking up a T-shirt in the office that said "Will you go to Homecoming with ...?" The back of the shirt had several names on it, including Justin Bieber and Red Power Ranger and "wash to find out." at the bottom. She borrowed a pretty red dress and jacket. We don't have pictures yet, but will post when we get them.
Eli's 7th birthday!
Eli enjoyed these candies of his own. He was happy he was able to finish them before he got his expander. Now they are against the rules.
Eli likes to ride scooters or his bike, play with friends, and play the Wii or computer. He started reading Harry Potter this summer. He is our tannest boy and likes to cool off by getting his hair wet and spiking it or making it a mohawk.