Thursday, April 5, 2012

What has been happening:

Eli lost his first tooth on February 8th.
Eli is now playing futsal (indoor soccer). He looks forward to each game. With the smaller field he plays defender and scores goals.
This is flour all over Joshua and Eli and the kitchen. I was on the phone with Anslin, my sister. I was also attempting to make something (that I have now forgotten). I ran out of flour and had to pull out the five gallon bucket of flour. After adding the flour to my recipe I turned around to see that Joshua had made a small pile of flour on the floor. I decided not to get upset and told him that he could play with the flour that was out. I would have to throw it away anyway. Eli and Joshua had a great time burying toys and measuring devices. The next time I really looked around me (Remember I was talking on the phone and cooking.) they had pulled out more flour. I cautioned them to stay in the kitchen and I put away the extra flour. After awhile they began to slide in the flour. When they started to throw the flour that was the end of my conversation and their time in the kitchen. They did have a great time and I thought it was worthy of a picture.
(It reminds me of the picture of Cherilyn and Allison covered in Desitin when they were little.)

Ethan had his first pinewood derby. Charles helped him make it into a truck which Ethan painted black.
We were all pleasantly surprised that Ethan came in first every time he raced. As you can see he was very happy. Eli and Joshua ran up to him after he got this trophy and gave him a hug. What cute brothers! (Too bad we didn't get that picture.)

Ethan now wears glasses (as seen in the picture above). He got them at the end of February. He didn't want to wear glasses, but when he put them on he realized how much better he could see. Ethan also got an expander (to widen his mouth) in January. This is the first step in Phase 1. He will also be getting braces on his top teeth when the expander is done. I guess he takes after Mom, with bad eyesight and a small mouth.

Cherilyn and Allison have been busy with school. They have both had concerts recently. (Allison plays flute in the band. Cherilyn plays violin in orchestra and sings in the choir.) Allison has also been attending basketball practices.

Cherilyn, Allison, Erica and I went to the conference center for the Young Women General Broadcast. It was neat to be there though the drive was long.