Monday, December 26, 2011

Ethan's Baptism

Ethan was baptized on November 6th. It was a great day. We were glad to have family there and be able to witness his special day. What a great thing to be baptized!

Pumpkin carving We carved pumpkins on Ethan's birthday this year. Joshua didn't want to be in the picture. His pumpkin is the small one in the front.

Here is a close-up of Ethan, Eli and Erica and their pumpkins. They designed them on their own and had help carving from Dad and Mom.
October Birthdays

Ethan had banana cream pie for his birthday. He was glad to turn eight. He started cub scouts the first part of October. He visited the fire station and took part in a flag burning ceremony as first experiences in scouts.

Ethan was given a volcano set and chemistry set for his birthday.

Ethan also got a new bike.

Allison received most of her presents on Saturday, a couple days before her birthday. She went shopping at the mall and picked out her own gifts. We went to dinner on her birthday and then she opened a few presents. One was Jon Schmidt piano music.
Halloween Costumes

Cherilyn and Allison, gypsy and pirate, made their costumes this year, with a little help from Mom. They had them mostly finished here for the ward Halloween party.

Here is Super Joshua. (The suit didn't fit how he liked so he just wore the cape.) Yes, he was freezing that night and ready to go home halfway through Trunk or Treat.

Our fifties girl, Erica, Eli in Bumblebee and Ethan as Harry Potter.

Fall Field Trip
During fall break we drove the Nebo loop with Sam's family. We went on a short hike that overlooked "Devil's Kitchen." Here's some of us on the way.

Pumpkin Patch

We went on a hay ride to the pumpkin patch again this year. We grew pumpkins, but they all turned out small. They were great for canning pumpkin, but not for carving.Allison and Joshua picked one together.
Eli found one he could barely carry. He decided not to get this one.

Here are the kids on an old tractor they placed for picture taking.