Back to School
The summer seemed to fly by. Now the kids (all but one) are in school. Time goes by so fast at this stage of life.
Cherilyn is in 10th grade and attending the high school now. Her favorite classes are ASL and choir. She is also in orchestra, chemistry, math, english and seminary. She has A and B days at the high school. She went to her first high school football game last Friday. She had fun and understood enough to cheer for the right team. (Her friend cheered for the wrong team a time or two.) Payson (her school) won the game by one point, so it was a good first game. She looks forward to going to more games.
Allison is in 8th grade. She likes school in general and her favorite classes are choir, band, math and history. She was disappointed to be an alto in choir, but she still enjoys it.
Erica is in fifth grade with Mr. Bailey as her teacher. She had a rough first week, only attending Monday, Wednesday and Friday. It was a stressful week for Mom. Now she is happy with school and thinks her teacher is great. She has her own keyboard with a small screen so that she can type some assignments at school or home. She is happy that her friend sits next to her.
Ethan is in second grade. His teacher is Mrs. Brandley. He was disappointed to not have his good friends in his class, except for girls.
Eli was excited to start kindergarten. When the other kids were nervous about school, he suggested that he go in their place and they wait a week. Eli's teacher is Mrs. Holt. He likes school, riding the bus, and seeing friends. He also started soccer this week. He has had fun learning to play.
Joshua is the only one not in school. He wants to go to school and says he needs mom more than when "his boys" are home. He will start a "preschool" once a week with some friends rotating at their houses (like Joy School). He has started reading. He opens a book and sings his version of the alphabet. Today it was "q, r, s, a, b,c."