Fall Break
The first thing we did for fall break was hike in Spanish Fork canyon.
This lovely group (Cherilyn, Allison, Kyle, Megan and Rochelle) took pictures and posed along the way. They, along with Marianne, made it up to the waterfall at the end of the hike. The rest of us turned around halfway there.
Erica and Dad.
Charles, Erica, our boys and I got a head start while the older kids waited with Marianne for Sam's family. Joshua kept saying "This is cool." and "These rocks are dangerous." The "dangerous" rocks were in the path. I don't know where he got it from.
The hike was along diamondfork creek. It was pretty the whole way.
Ben, Ty, Eli and Ethan hiking together. They also collected leaves.
We have no other pictures from fall break. We ate out some, went bowling and had Sam and Erin's family and Marianne and Curtis over for dinner and games. It was a good break.