Friday, February 27, 2009

Erica gets glasses!

Erica got glasses this week. She went to two eye doctors because she is not seeing 20/20 even with the right prescription. We still don't know why. She likes her glasses and being able to see.

An update on the boys: Eli's finger is healing. He could go without bandaging it now, but he is not ready to part with the bandage. Joshua willingly ate a baby jar of pears yesterday. We'll see if it continues.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Eli's injury

While Charles was on the treadmill Eli stuck his hand on it. His hand was pulled underneath and stuck. One finger has a large section of skin rubbed off. Two fingers have blisters on them. We bandaged it and gave him pain medicine and his blanket. We were all glad that he slept fine. He kept his hand around the ice pack while he slept.
This morning Eli told Ethan that he used to like almonds because when he was a baby he was a really good eater. Joshua is not a good eater. He doesn't like any solid foods. He makes faces every time we try and feed him and then tightly closes his mouth until we stop trying. The other kids have asked if they ate good when they were babies. They all did. So Eli thinks that he liked and ate everything as a baby because he was "a good eater."

Joshua can army crawl, as seen in this video. He only does it when he is motivated, such as seeing the remote control -- his favorite toy.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Here is Joshua showing off some of his skills -- smiling, clapping, transferring an object from one hand to the other and rolling. You can also see Eli's legs (and blanket)!